Search for data files

Use the following form to search for data files matching your requirements. For the three-valued fields, you can choose whether it should be the case (✓), it should not be the case (✗), or if it does not matter (✓/✗). For the slider fields, you can either use the slider or the input fields, press enter after changing the values in the input fields. Once all the criteria have been selected, press the search button to display the results.

Type of Data
Modification Type
Preference Metadata
Is an approval profile?
Is single-peaked?
Is single-crossing?
Aggregation Metadata
Has a Condorcet winner?

We have found 15396 files satisfying your criterias.

Data type
Modif. type
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000185 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000186 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000186 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000187 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000187 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000188 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000188 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000189 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000189 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000190 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000190 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000191 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000191 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000192 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000192 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000193 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000193 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000194 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000194 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000195 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000195 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000196 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000196 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000197 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000197 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000198 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000198 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000199 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000199 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000200 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000200 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000201 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000201 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000202 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000202 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000203 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000203 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000204 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000204 soi original ? ? ? ? Download
Spotify Daily Chart 00047-00000205 soc induced ? ? ? ? Download

The search interface has been developped using the noUiSlider, distributed under MIT licence, a JavaScript a lightweight JavaScript range slider library with full multi-touch support and no dependencies. We want to thank Léon Gersen for developing it and making it available. For more informations, check out this website or the GitHub page.